Tuesday, 18 February 2025

40k Combat Patrol Delivery 3 - Invisible Touch

Ok, so things haven't stayed fully to the plan.

I was supposed to be painting each delivery from the Combat Patrol magazines, then getting in the games from the magazine, and posting here about it all before the next delivery arrived.

I realised that if I just use the Combat Patrol
logo every time, I can't tell the posts apart,
so now there's a photo of a model here first.

This has... not come to pass.

However, it's not all bad. Although posts here haven't been up to date, I have been painting things a little faster than that. I'm not quite up to where I should be, but I think it's possible to catch up, so I'll just keep at it, post here as fast as I can, and see whether I can manage it. 

So, here we go then. Issues 7, 8, 9 & 10.

I used this photo on the previous post
by mistake, and no one, including me,
noticed. This might suggest that
these photos are pointless,
but I've taken them, so meh.

This set includes the first "big" squad, in the form of 10 termagants, and the sprues there also make a ripper swarm base. I used the paint scheme I'd already started for these, which kept the painting time very short. 

Scuttle, scuttle

Nice as it is to have these, I already had a decent number of termagants anyway. So, this makes my Tyranid army a little bit bigger, and it's nice that other than the inevitable scale creep, these models don't look out of place among the older stuff I already own. 

More visually interesting was the terminator librarian. 

Yep, this photo again. I didn't think this through.

I quite enjoyed painting this guy. I was still trying to keep things quick so he's almost entirely done in contrast paints (his armour is Ultramarines Blue to keep him codex-compliant) with some blue ink over silver on his shoulders. The runes I picked out in white and then drybrushed on some sky blue - just enough to give them a bit of a glow. 

Wouldn't be 40k without an obviously
oversized close combat weapon

Models done, it was time to sort the games... but that didn't happen until embarrassingly recently.

Not so recently though that I can actually remember what happened (I was using the marines with Kieron again taking the Tyranids, I think I lost the final game), so here's a set of photos of... something happening.

Marines engaging in a confident fashion

Some sort of standoff


Something of an issue for the librarian

Starting to look like an actual game of something

The takeaway from all of this is that even though I'm definitely still more onboard with using the models for older editions (2nd and 5th, until we decide randomly to do something else), I don't actually hate the 10th edition Combat Patrol rules. They are definitely more abstract, but it will let me use the new stuff without proxying as something else. Can't see me buying anything specifically for it, but since in Combat Patrol the forces are set anyway, that's not an issue. 

So, I'm now somewhat less behind than I was! More to come, as I catch up even further. Optimism!