Saturday, 6 June 2015

The Challenge begins again - my goals

As I mentioned a couple of posts back, the 6 Month Mountain Reduction and Painting Challenge is now the Annual 6 Month Mountain Reduction and Painting Challenge, and it's starting up again, and once again I'm taking part. 

I'm going to set pretty conservative goals for myself this time around. This is because I just don't get as much time to paint these days as I would like (cue violin music), so if I aim to do more there's every chance I'll fail anyway. 

So with the inspiring build up to this complete, here are my entirely underwhelming goals: 

1) Finish off my WW2 French.  You can't have missed these if you've read this blog at all for the last six months, so I'll just say that there are only 14 models left for these now and I'm determined to actually start and finish a project in one goal for once. 

This will in fact be my first "project" for the challenge, and completing it will net me an extra joker, so here's the Before image as required by the rules:

2) Assemble and paint my Shaltari starter set for Dropzone Commander. I mentioned recently that I'd bought these, so I need to get them done! 

Right, so, err, that's it. Keep watching to discover whether I manage these - there's actually at least an evens chance of my failing at it...


  1. Yay! More French!

    I can't even remember what life was like before you started posting about the French. 😀

    1. Scarcely worth living, I would think!

  2. Everso doable, even with limited time available methinks. Good luck!

    1. I certainly hope so! The ideal outcome is that I get more than this done, but I'm hoping it's more motivating to accomplish a realistic goal than to fail to manage a more ambitious one. Time will tell!

  3. I for one am enjoying seeing someone do other than the "normal" combatants. Keep up the good work! Maybe my Finns and my French Resistance needs to be moved up the queue a bit.
